Friday, March 17, 2017

Create a Microsoft Power BI desktop solution

Create a Microsoft Power BI desktop solution


You will learn how to:
  • Create a Power BI Desktop solution
  • Create queries based on a variety of data sources
  • Prepare a model for reporting
  • Create an interactive dashboard layout consisting of several data visualizations
  • Download and import a visual from the Power BI Visuals Gallery


This lab is based upon the sales activities of the fictitious Tailspin Toys company.
The Tailspin Toys company:
  • Represents a specialist toy sales business that sells model airplanes and helicopters to global markets
  • Accumulates core sales data in a SQL Server database, and is interested to explore and discover deeper insight from this data
You are required to create a Power BI Desktop solution to enable the reporting and analysis of US sales activity.

Virtual Machines

  1. PowerBI-DC
  2. PowerBI

Exercise 1 : Create Queries

In this exercise, you will create five Power BI Desktop queries. Four queries will source data from SQL Server, an Excel workbook and a CSV file. A fifth query will generate date data without requiring a data source.

Note that in this version of the product, sometimes Power BI Desktop dialog windows do not fully display. If this happens during this lab, you can:

Press Enter, if the dialog window requires to you to agree to continue, or Press Escape to close the dialog window, and then repeat the task instruction.
If you cannot overcome this issue, please request the assistance of a lab proctor.
  1. Open Power BI Desktop
    To open the Power BI Desktop, on the taskbar, click the Microsoft Power BI Desktop shortcut.
    Note that in this hosted lab environment, sometimes Power BI Desktop dialog windows do not fully display. If this happens during this lab, you can:
    • Press Enter, if the dialog window requires to you to agree to continue, or
    • Press Escape to close the dialog window, and then repeat the task instruction
    If you cannot overcome this issue, please request the assistance of a lab proctor.
  2. Close Startup Screen
    To close the startup screen, at the top-right corner, click X.
  3. Save Power BI Desktop File
    To save the file, click the File tab, and then select Save As.
    In the Save As window, in the File Name box, enter D:\PowerBI\Lab02\US Sales Analysis, and then click Save.
    Tip: For your convenience, you can click inside the File Name box, and then click Type Text.
    D:\PowerBI\Lab02\US Sales Analysis
  4. Import SQL Server Data
    On the Home ribbon, from inside the External Data group, click the Get Data dropdown, and then select SQL Server.
  5. Enter Database Settings
    In the SQL Server Database dialog window, in the Server box, enter POWERBI.
    In the Database box, enter TailspinToys-US.
  6. Notice Import Setting
    Notice that the default option is to import (cache) the data.
    Click OK.
    It is also possible to connect directly to the SQL Server data source by using DirectQuery. In this mode, no data is imported or copied into Power BI Desktop. The selected tables and columns appear in your Power BI Desktop Fields list. As you create or interact with a visualization, Power BI Desktop queries the underlying data source, which means you’re always viewing current data.
  7. Connect to Database Server
    When prompted to authenticate, to use your Windows credentials, click Connect.
    When prompted to confirm the use of an unencrypted connection, click OK.
  8. Select Sales Table
    In the Navigator dialog window, check the Sales table.
  9. Review SQL Server Data
    Review the data in the preview pane (located at the right), horizontally scrolling to the right.
    The data represents the US retail sales operations, including the last two columns which are foreign key columns that relate to the Product and State tables.
    In this lab, you will develop the query by introducing columns from these related tables, and by defining friendly names for the columns.
  10. Edit Query
    To develop the query, click Edit.
    Notice that the Query Editor window opens, and that this window has its own ribbon.
    This window is used to define query steps to transform data, and to also preview the query result.
  11. Name Query
    In the Query Settings pane (located at the right), in the Name box, notice that the query name was derived from the selected source table: Sales.
  12. Notice Foreign Key Columns
    In the data pane (the large pane containing the data grid), notice that the Product and State columns (the last two columns) contain Value links, enabling the introduction of columns from related tables.
    These columns were added automatically because the CustomerStateID and ProductID columns of the Sales table are foreign key columns.
  13. Introduce Related Columns
    To introduce columns from the Product table, in the Product column header, click the Expand button (located in the column header).
    Uncheck (Select All Columns), and then check only the five columns as shown in the screenshot.
  14. Uncheck Original Column Name
    Uncheck the Use Original Column Name as Prefix checkbox.
    Click OK.
  15. Include State Columns
    Expand the State column to include only the StateName and Region columns.
  16. Include Region Column
    Expand the Region column to include only the RegionName column.
    The Region column represents an additional table, related to the State table.
  17. Remove Unnecessary Columns
    To remove unnecessary columns, first select the OrderNumber column header, and then while pressing the Control key, select also the ShipDateCustomerStateIDProductIDDiscountAmount, and PromotionCode column headers.
    Right-click the column selection, and then select Remove Columns.
  18. Rename Column
    To rename the column, right-click the UnitPrice header column, and then select Rename.
    Modify the name to Unit Price (includes a space), and then press Enter.
    Defining concise—yet friendly—names ensures that data visualization captions are easy to understand.
    In addition, while it is possible to name a column the same name as the table it belongs to, it is important to use column names that differ. This will avoid ambiguity when using Q&A (natural language querying) once the Power BI Desktop file is published to the Power BI service.
  19. Rename Additional Columns
    Rename also the nine columns as shown in the screenshot (you can open the screenshot in a new, separate window).
  20. Review Applied Steps
    In the Query Settings pane, notice the applied steps that define the logic to source and transform the query result.
    Later in this exercise, you will combine the result of this query with another query to enable profit analysis.
  21. Import Excel Data
    In the Query Editor window, on the Home ribbon, from inside the New Query group, click the New Source dropdown, and then select Excel.
  22. Select Excel Workbook
    In the Open window, navigate to the D:\PowerBI\Lab02\Assets folder.
    Select the ProductCost.xlsx file, and then click Open.
  23. Select ProductCost Worksheet
    In the Navigator dialog window, check the ProductCost worksheet.
  24. Review Excel Data
    Review the data in the preview pane.
    The data represents the cost of each product. Product cost data is stored externally from the SQL Server sales database, and will be integrated with the Sales query to enable the calculation of profit.
  25. Load Query
    To load the query, click OK.
    In the Query Editor window, in the Query Settings pane, in the Applied Steps list, notice that four steps exist, applying default transformations to the Excel data.
  26. Remove Product Column
    Remove the Product column.
    The Product column is not required as this data has already been retrieved by the Sales query.
  27. Combine Queries
    In the Queries pane (located at the left), select the Sales query.
    On the Home ribbon, from inside the Combine group, click Merge Queries.
  28. Configure Query Merge
    In the Merge dialog window, in the data grid, select the Product SKU column header.
    In the dropdown list, select the ProductCost query.
    In the lower data grid, select the SKU column header.
  29. Configure Privacy Levels
    In the Privacy Levels dialog window, for the powerbi data connection, in the adjacent dropdown list, select Organizational.
    Configure the privacy level for the d:\ file location to Organizational also.
    As it now stands, the Sales query can be combined with the ProductCost query.
    A privacy level specify an isolation level that defines the degree that one data source will be isolated from other data sources. An Organizational data source limits the visibility of a data source to a trusted group of people, and includes other organizational data sources.
  30. Save Privacy Levels
    In the Privacy Levels dialog window, click Save.
  31. Review Matched Rows
    Located at the bottom-left corner of the Merge dialog window, notice that all rows have matched.
    Click OK.
  32. Add ProductCost Column
    In the data pane, at the end of the columns, notice the addition of a new column named NewColumn.
    Expand the NewColumn column to include only the ProductCost column.
  33. Multiply Two Columns
    To calculate the cost of each sales order, first select the Quantity column header, and the while pressing the Control key, select the ProductCost column header.
    On the Add Column ribbon, from inside the From Number group, click Standard, and then select Multiply.
  34. Rename Multiply Column
    Rename the Inserted Multiplication column (last column) as Cost.
  35. Remove ProductCost Column
    Remove the ProductCost column.
  36. Importing Additional SQL Server Data
    On the Home ribbon, from inside the New Query group, click Recent Sources, and then select POWERBI: TailspinToys-US.
  37. Select the Region Table
    In the Navigator dialog window, check the Region table.
  38. Review SQL Server Data
    Review the data in the preview pane.
    The data represents all sales regions, and this data will used to add a query that will support a many-to-many relationship between sales managers (who can be jointly responsible for multiple sales regions) and sales. The manager data will be loaded later in this exercise.
  39. Load SQL Server Query
    To load the query, click OK.
  40. Remove Columns
    Right-click the RegionName column header, and then select Remove Other Columns.
  41. Rename Column
    Rename the RegionName column as Region Name.
  42. Importing CSV Data
    In the Query Editor window, on the Home ribbon, from inside the New Query group, click the New Source dropdown, and then select CSV.
  43. Connect to CSV File
    In the Open window, navigate to the D:\PowerBI\Lab02\Assets folder.
    Select the Manager.csv file, and then click Open.
    The data represents sales managers and their assignment to one, or possibly more, sales regions.
  44. Review CSV File Structure
    In the Manager.csv dialog window, notice that the first data row contains the column names.
    You will promote these row values as column names in the next task.
    Click OK.
  45. Promote First Rows to Headers
    To promote the first row values as column headers, on the Home ribbon, from inside the Transform group, click Use First Row as Headers.
  46. Rename Columns
    Rename the columns as Region Name, and Manager Name.
    Notice that some sales managers have two regions assigned, for example Ananya Kumar is assigned to both the Midwest and Southern sales regions.
    Analyzing sales statistics by sales manager will be achieved by a many-to-many relationship that you will configure in the next exercise.
  47. Create Blank Query
    In the Query Editor window, on the Home ribbon, from inside the New Query group, click the New Source dropdown, and then select Blank Query.
  48. Set Query Name
    In the Query Editor window, in the Query Settings pane, in the Name box, replace the text with DateFunction, and then press Enter.
  49. Open Advanced Editor
    To define the query, on the Home ribbon, from inside the Query group, click Advanced Editor.
  50. Remove Existing Query
    In the Advanced Editor window, to remove all text from inside the query box, click inside the box, press Control+A, and then press the Delete key.
  51. Open Query Script
    Use Notepad to open the D:\PowerBI\Lab02\Assets\DateFunctionScript.txt file, and then copy-and-paste the entire content inside the query box.
    Click Done.
    The script defines a function that accepts start and end dates, and an optional culture. When invoked, this function will produce a query result defining date data.
    The script has been adapted from a blog post published by Matt Masson titled Creating a Date Dimension with a Power Query Script.
  52. Enter Parameter Values
    In the Enter Parameters region, enter the values as shown in the screenshot.
    The date values must be entered in US format (mm/dd/yyyy) as the lab virtual machine regional settings are set to United States.
    The culture value can be set to any valid culture (e.g. fr, fr-FR, es-ES, etc.) and is used to produce localized month names. You may enter the culture code for your region. Culture names are documented at MSDN within the National Language Support (NLS) API Reference.
  53. Invoke Function
    To invoke the function, click Invoke.
  54. Rename Query
    Rename the new query as Date.
  55. Verify Queries
    Verify that you now have defined six queries, as shown in the screenshot.
  56. Close Query Editor
    To close the Query Editor window, on the File menu, select Close.
    In Power BI Desktop, notice the warning describing that the new queries have not been applied.
  57. Apply Changes
    Click Apply Changes.
    Applying changes will load data and detect relationships. Data will only be loaded if the data has not already been loaded, or a query definition has been changed.
In this exercise, you created five Power BI Desktop queries. Four queries sourced data from SQL Server, an Excel workbook and a CSV file. A fifth query generated date data without requiring a data source.

Click Continue to proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 2 : Prepare Model for Reporting

In this exercise, you will configure the model relationships to connect all five queries, hide tables and columns that are not appropriate to use in reports. In addition, you will sort columns, and create a calculated column and two measures to enable profit analysis.
  1. Switch to Relationship View
    To switch to Relationships view, at the left side, click Relationships.
    Notice that two relationships were automatically detected and created.
    Relationships can be automatically detected when column names match, and also their data types. The two relationships enable many-to-many analysis between sales managers and sales.
  2. Arrange Tables
    Resize and reposition the tables to enable a clearer understanding of the model as shown in the screenshot.
  3. Create Relationship
    To create a relationship between the Sales and Date tables, from inside the Sales table, drag the OrderDate column, and then drop it onto the Date column of the Date table.
    Tip: It is a good practice to drag from the many-side to the one-side.
  4. Review Relationship
    Notice the addition of the relationship line, and the indicators describing the many side (*), one side (1), and the cross filter direction.
    The cross filter direction describes how filters are propagated. In this case, a filter applied to the Date table, for example for a particular year, would filter the rows in the Sales table with an order date in that year.
  5. Review Autodetected Relationships
    Notice then, that the automatically detected relationships between the SalesRegion and Manager tables, define a many-to-many relationship, with the Region table as the intermediary table, and with cross-filters defined in both directions.
  6. Review Table Information
    In the Date table, notice that four columns are adorned with the sigma ( ∑ ) symbol.
    These four columns contain numeric data, and the symbol means that the column values may be summarized in reports.
    As these four columns contain key values used to configure the chronological sorting of date label columns, it is not appropriate for these columns to be available for users to access. These columns will be hidden later in this exercise.
  7. Switch to Data View
    Switch to Data view.
    Notice the Fields pane (located at the right), which allows the selection of a table to view its data.
  8. Expand Date Table
    In the Fields pane, expand the Date table.
    In the Date table, notice the four “key” fields.
    The “key” fields enable sorting related fields in the table. It is not appropriate that these fields are used in reports, and so each will be hidden.
  9. Hide Columns
    From inside the Date table, right-click the DateKey field, and then select Hide in Report View.
    Repeat the last step to hide the remaining three visible “key” fields in the Date table.
  10. Review Hidden Columns
    In the Fields pane and the data grid, notice that the header text of the hidden columns is now displayed differently.
  11. Hide Additional Columns
    Expand the Sales table, and then hide the OrderDate and Region Name fields.
    These fields can be hidden as they are available in related tables.
  12. Hide Tables
    To hide the ProductCost table, right-click the table, and then select Hide in Report View.
    Hide also the Region table.
  13. Switch to Relationships View
    Switch to Relationships view, and notice that hidden tables and fields are grayed out.
    Tip: It is also possible to hide tables and columns in Relationships view by right-clicking a table or column.
  14. Verify Relationship Diagram
    Verify that the relationship diagram matches the screenshot.
  15. Switch to Data View
    Switch back to Data view.
  16. Sort Date Column
    In the Fields pane, from inside the Date table, select the Day field.
    On the Modeling ribbon, from inside the Sort group, click the Sort by Column, and then select DateKey.
  17. Sort Month Column
    Sort the Month column by the MonthKey column.
    It is not necessary to configure the sort column for the Quarter and Year columns, as the text sort order is the same as the chronological sort order.
  18. Review Default Summarization
    In the Fields pane, from inside the Sales table, select the Quantity field.
    On the Modeling ribbon, from inside the Properties group, in the Default Summarization dropdown list, notice that Sum is selected.
    When the query was imported into the model, numeric columns were configured to summarize by default. The Sum function is the most commonly used function to summarize numeric values. This property is the default, and it is possible in the report design for a user to switch to a different summarization function.
  19. Set Unit Price Summarization
    In the Fields pane, from inside the Sales table, select the Unit Price field.
    Set the Default Summarization property to Average.
    It does not make sense to sum rates like unit prices, and so the updated default summarization will now provide a meaningful aggregation, i.e. the average of unit prices.
    Default summarization can be set for numeric, date and text fields, with the latter two types only allowing count summarization.
  20. Configure Column Categorization
    In the Fields pane, from inside the Sales table, select the State Name field.
    On the Modeling ribbon, from inside the Properties group, in the Data Category dropdown list, select State or Province.
    This configuration will enable default spatial reporting by using map visualizations.
  21. Review State Name Field
    In the Fields pane, notice that the State Name field is now adorned with the spatial icon.
  22. Create Calculated Column
    In the Fields pane, right-click the Sales table, and then select New Column.
    Notice that the focus is set to the formula bar, and that the column name defaults to Column, and is selected.
    Tip: You can also create calculations by using the ribbon commands.
  23. Rename Calculated Column
    To rename the column, replace the text Column with Revenue.
  24. Enter Calculated Column Formula
    On the right side of the equals sign, use the assistance of IntelliSense to enter this DAX formula: [Quantity] * [Unit Price]
    Tip: For your convenience, you can also click to the right of the equals sign, and then click Type Text.Press Enter.
    This column could also have been implemented as a new column in a query, as either approach produces the same outcome. The appropriate approach will often be determined by the skillset of the analyst, and whether the M language (used by queries) or DAX (used for model calculations) best achieves the requirement.
    [Quantity] * [Unit Price]
  25. Review Calculated Column
    In the Fields pane, notice the addition of the new field.
  26. Format Calculated Column
    To format the column, in the Fields pane, ensure that the Revenue field is selected.
    On the Modeling ribbon, from inside the Formatting group, configure the format properties based on the screenshot.
    Note: If the formatting controls are not enabled, in the Field list, select another field, and then select the Revenue field.
    For consistency in this lab, you will configure all monetary amounts with the same formatting settings.
  27. Format Quantity Column
    Format the Quantity column with the thousands separator.
  28. Format Unit Price Column
    Set the format for the Unit Price column to Decimal Number, with the thousands separator and two decimal places.
  29. Format Cost Column
    Format the Cost column as a whole number and with the thousands separator.
  30. Create Profit Measure
    In the Fields pane, right-click the Sales table, and then select New Measure.
    In the formula bar, replace the text Measure with Profit.
  31. Enter Profit Measure Formula
    On the right side of the equals sign, enter this DAX formula: SUM(Sales[Revenue]) - SUM(Sales[Cost])
    Tip: For your convenience, you can click to the right of the equals sign, and then click Type Text.
    Press Enter.
    Unlike calculated columns, measures involve the aggregation of values in columns. Also, unlike calculated columns, measures do not store their results in the model.
    SUM(Sales[Revenue]) - SUM(Sales[Cost])
  32. Format Profit Measure
    Format the Profit measure as a whole number and with the thousands separator.
  33. Create Profitability Measure
    Add a second measure to the Sales table named Profitability.
  34. Enter Profitability Measure Formula
    On the right side of the equals sign, enter this DAX formula: DIVIDE([Profit], SUM(Sales[Revenue]))
    Tip: For your convenience, you can click to the right of the equals sign, and then click Type Text.
    Press Enter.
    The DIVIDE() function divides two expressions, providing that the second argument results in a non-zero number. If the second argument results in zero or blank (missing), then the function will return blank.
    DIVIDE([Profit], SUM(Sales[Revenue]))
  35. Format Profitability Measure
    Format the new measure as Percentage and two decimal places.
  36. Review Sales Table
    Switch to Relationships view, and in the Sales table, notice that the three calculations are adorned with different icons.
In this exercise, you configured the model relationships to connect all five queries, hid tables and columns that were not appropriate to use in reports. In addition, you sorted columns, and created a calculated column and two measures to enable profit analysis.

Click Continue to proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 3 : Create Report Pages

In this exercise, you will create two report pages. The first report page will consist of five visualizations to report on and analyze regional sales and profitability. The second report page will use an imported custom visual to analyze revenue by manager and sales region.
  1. Preview Report Page
    In the following tasks of this exercise, you will create the report page as shown in the screenshot.
  2. Review Report Canvas
    Switch to Report view.
    In the Fields pane, notice that only three tables are available.
    In Report view, only visible tables and fields are available for use in reports.
  3. Locate Page Navigation Control
    At the bottom left corner, notice the page navigation control.
  4. Rename Page
    To rename the page, double-click Page 1.
    Replace the text with Summary, and then press Enter.
    A report can consist of multiple pages. You will develop two report pages in this lab.
  5. Insert Image
    To insert an image, on the Home ribbon, from inside the Insert group, click Image.
    In the Open window, select the D:\PowerBI\Lab02\Assets\TailspinToysLogo.png file, and then click Open.
    Tip: For your convenience, you can click inside the File Name box, and then click Type Text.
    If your intention is to pin this image to a Power BI dashboard, for best results use a rectangular image with a 13:9 aspect ratio, or a white background. If the image is not exactly of a 13:9 ratio, Power BI will add white padding around the edges as needed.
  6. Arrange Image
    To resize the image, ensure that it is selected to reveal the border guides.
    Drag the border guides to resize the image to create a smaller sized tile, and then reposition it as shown in the screenshot.
  7. Insert Text Box
    To insert a text box, on the Home ribbon, from inside the Insert group, click Text Box.
    Inside the text box, enter US Sales Analysis.
  8. Arrange Text Box
    Select the entire text, and then use the text format bar to increase the font size to 60.
    Resize the text box to a smaller size, and then reposition it as shown in the screenshot.
  9. Create Visualization
    To create a visual based on a field, in the Fields pane, expand the Date table, and then drag the Year field and drop it on a blank area of the canvas.
    Notice that the field was used to create a table visual.
  10. Switch to Slicer
    To switch the visual to a slicer, in the Visualizations pane, click the Slicer icon.
    Tip: Hovering over a visualization type icon will reveal a tooltip that describes the visualization type.
  11. Arrange Slicer
    Resize the slicer, and then reposition it as shown in the screenshot.
  12. Apply Slicer Filter
    In the slicer, select CY2015.
    All data visualizations on the page will now be filtered by CY2015.
  13. Create Additional Visualization
    In the Fields pane, from inside the Sales table, drag the Revenue field and drop it on a blank area of the canvas.
    Resize and then reposition the visualization as shown in the screenshot.
  14. Add Additional Fields
    Drag and drop the following two fields inside the chart visual:
    Sales | CostDate | Month
  15. Review Sort Order
    On the horizontal axis, notice that the columns are sorted in descending revenue order.
  16. Modify Sort Order
    To modify the sort order, first click the ellipsis located at the top-right corner of the visualization.
    Select Sort by Month.
    To sort by month ascending, click the ellipsis again, and then click Sort by Month again.
  17. Switch to Clustered Column Chart
    Modify the visual to Line and Clustered Column Chart.
  18. Add Profitability Field
    In the Fields pane, from inside the Sales table, drag the Profitability field and drop it in the Visualizations pane, inside the Line Values well.
  19. Format Chart
    To modify the visualization style, switch to Format view, and then expand Data Colors.
    Select appropriate colors for the three fields (suggesting dark gray for Profitability, blue for Revenue, and purple for Cost).
  20. Verify Chart Format
    Verify that the visualization matches the screenshot.
  21. Review Chart Scales
    Notice the different values and scales on the left and right sides of the chart.
  22. Create Table
    In the Fields pane, from inside the Manager table, drag the Region Name field and drop it on a blank area of the canvas.
    Add the Unit Price field to the new visualization.
    Resize and then reposition the visualization as shown in the screenshot.
  23. Verify Table Design
    Verify that the table matches the screenshot.
    Notice that the Unit Price values, including the total, are average prices.
    The unit price values are average summaries because you configured the default summarization in the previous exercise.
  24. Remove Unit Price Column
    To remove the Unit Price column, in the Values well, for the Unit Price field, click X.
  25. Add Revenue Field
    Add the Revenue field to the table.
    To sort the table rows by descending revenue, click the Revenue column header.
  26. Verify Table Design
    Verify that the table matches the screenshot.
  27. Create Second Table
    Repeat the steps in this task to create a second table to display revenue, but this time by using the Manager Name field.
    Tip: It is possible to copy and paste a visualization, and then modify the settings of the copy.
    Resize and then reposition the visualization as shown in the screenshot.
  28. Sort Table
    Sort the table by descending revenue.
    Verify that the table matches the screenshot.
    At a glance, notice that the sum of the individual manager revenue values easily exceeds the $42.27M table total.
    The many-to-many relationship results in duplication of revenue values, as multiple managers are assigned to a single region. The total of second table is correct, as can be verified against the total of the first table.
  29. Create Fill Map
    In the Fields pane, from inside the Sales table, create a new visualization based on the State Name field.
    Resize and then reposition the visualization as shown in the screenshot.
  30. Add Profitability Field
    Drag the Profitability field and drop it into the map, and notice that it is added to the Size well.
  31. Modify Visualization to Fill Map
    Modify the visualization to Filled Map.
  32. Filter Fill Map
    To display only the contiguous US states, in the Filters section, click State Name (All) to expand the filter list.
    Check Select All, and then uncheck Alaska and Hawaii.
  33. Verify Fill Map Design
    Verify that the fill map matches the screenshot.
  34. Verify Report Design
    Verify that the report page matches the screenshot.
  35. Filter Page by Year
    In the slicer, select CY2016.
  36. Filter Page by Month
    To filter by a particular month, in the combo chart, hover the cursor over any one of the Revenue columns, and then take note of the value.
    Click the column, and notice that all of the report page visualizations filter by that month. (You can verify this by comparing the table totals to the noted value.)
  37. Clear Month Filter
    To clear the month filter, click in a blank area of the combo chart.
  38. Review State Profitability
    To determine the profitability for California, hover the cursor over the state, and read the informative tooltip.
  39. Filter Page by State
    Click California, and notice that all of the report page visualizations filter by that state.
  40. Clear State Filter
    To clear the filter, either click California again, or click outside a state region on the map.
  41. Create New Report Page
    To add a report page, click the New Page command.
  42. Preview Report Page
    In the following tasks of this exercise, you will create the report page as shown in the screenshot.
  43. Rename Report Page
    Rename the new report page to Regional Product Item Sales.
    Tip: For your convenience, you can select the text of new page name, and then click Type Text.
    Regional Product Item Sales
  44. Copy Existing Slicer
    To add a slicer, return to the Summary report page, and then select the Year slicer.
    On the Home ribbon, from inside the Clipboard group, click Copy.
  45. Paste Slicer
    Return to the Regional Product Item Sales report page, and then on the Home ribbon, from inside the Clipboard group, click Paste.
  46. Arrange Slicer
    Reposition the visual as shown in the screenshot.
  47. Open Internet Explorer
    To open Internet Explorer, on the taskbar, right-click the Internet Explorer program shortcut.
  48. Browse to Visuals Gallery
    You will now download a custom visual.
    In Internet Explorer, navigate to
    Tip: You can also use the Power BI Visuals Gallery Internet Explorer favorite.
    The Visuals Gallery allows discovering and downloading visuals created by the Power BI community. You can download and use these visuals in Power BI Desktop solutions. You can even submit one of your own for others to use.
  49. Select Chord Visual
    Locate, and then select the Chord visual.
  50. Download Visual
    In the dialog window, review the description, and then click Download Visual.
    When prompted, if you agree with the terms of use, click I Agree.
    When prompted by Internet Explorer to download the visual, save the visual to the D:\PowerBI\Lab02 folder.
  51. Return to Power BI Desktop
    Return to Power BI Desktop.
  52. Import Custom Visual
    In the Visualizations pane, click the ellipsis, and then select Import a Custom Visual.
  53. Open Custom Visual
    In the dialog window, click Import.
    In the Open window, navigate to the D:\PowerBI\Lab02 folder, select the downloaded visual file, and then select Open.
    When the visual is successfully imported, click OK.
  54. Verify Visual Import
    Verify that the visual has been added to the Visualizations pane.
  55. Add Chord Visual
    To add a chord visual to the report page, first ensure that the slicer is not selected, and then in the Visualizations pane, click the Chord visual.
    Resize and then reposition the visual as shown in the screenshot.
  56. Configure Chord Visual
    From the Fields pane, from inside the Sales table, drag the Product Item Group field into the chord visual.
    From inside the Manager table, drag the Region Name field into the chord visual.
    Ignore the error which will soon be resolved in the next task when a field is added to the Values well.
  57. Add Revenue Field
    From inside the Sales table, drag the Revenue field into the chord visual.
  58. Verify Page Layout
    Verify that the report page matches the screenshot.
  59. Interact with Report Page
    Modify the slicer values, and notice how the chord animates to reflect updated values.
    Hover the cursor over the circle segments (representing total value) and also the chords, to reveal informative tooltips.
  60. Save Power BI Desktop
    To save the file, click the File tab, and then select Save.
In this exercise, you created two report pages. The first report page consisted of five visualizations to report on and analyze regional sales and profitability. The second report page used an imported custom visual to analyze revenue by manager and sales region.

Click Continue to complete the lab.